Monthly Archives: November 2015

#PrayForParis 13/11/15

Friday 13th November 2015 – another memorable day for all the wrong reasons. A day that sent the people of Paris, France into a state of mourning. It sent the world into a state of fear and immense sadness as we wonder “what next?” We know who was responsible and we know what they’re capable of. It’s a worrying time but it’s beyond our control and all we can do is pray that it all ends soon.

People suffering with anxiety may be triggered by these devastating events. Let’s face it, who wouldn’t be? It’s inhumane and completely wrong. What I would ask you to do is be mindful of your own surroundings. Check out ‘belly breathing’ techniques and practice them for times when you feel it’s all getting a bit too much – especially when all the news channels are full of live coverage from Paris and other targeted areas (I only heard earlier that there were attacks in Lebanon and Baghdad yesterday too. I don’t watch the news so I didn’t know as it wasn’t on facebook).

This is just a mini-blog, showing my support for the victims of the attacks and acknowledging that people may not know how to cope with this level of sadness. Don’t worry – you’re not alone. Have faith in God that he will sort this mess out. This was never His intended purpose for the earth and will see that badness is done away with for good. Obviously not everyone shares that view, but find something that gives you comfort and hold on to it.

Much love to everyone tonight. Stay strong and try hard to remain positive in this sad, sad world.

Nicole xx

Look After Your Mind & the Rest Will Follow!

Ok so that might not always be the case. But I’m a firm believer that it has a lot to do with staying ‘in control’.

I’ve had a rough few weeks for various reasons, but mainly because of my mental health. I made the stupid decision to stop taking my meds a few weeks ago because they’d been making me feel sick/nauseous and I didn’t fight the feeling. I just gave up and stopped taking them, which was so irresponsible! Initially, I felt fine. I thought I was control and things were looking promising. Of course I ‘forgot’ that there would be a delay with the chemical imbalance and then all of sudden, BAM! Anxiety hit. Irrational fears, paranoia, stress, panic, eating issues- the works. I knew I felt bad and no longer in control, but I just couldn’t physically bring myself to take the tablets while they were making me feel ill. I spoke to my therapist about it and she strongly recommended I recommenced taking them again immediately in order to allow my body the chance to adjust to them again! We figured out that it was my Galfer iron tablets that have wrecked my stomach, so I omitted them for a week and sure enough, all is well again 😀

While I wasn’t taking my medication, I wasn’t mindful of my eating whatsoever. I lost all sense of purpose and really had no structure. It was a worrying time for me because I realised how out of control I can get when I’m in that state, and there never seems to be a way out. Again, with taking the meds now I am finding it much easier to think rationally, mindfully and make more sensible choices when it comes to eating. Obviously I have a long way to go until I lose a few stone/pounds, and finding what works for me is still very much trial and a lot of error, but it’s better to be aware of my thought processes and coping mechanisms when it matters the most.

If anyone can relate to what I’ve talked about and would like to talk to me about issues you might have or if you’d like some advice, please do get in touch. Never feel like you can’t talk about your problems.

I’d also love some suggestions for things I can review. Would you like health food reviews? Book reviews? (any type), Plus size clothing? What’s missing in the ‘blogsphere’ that I could possibly fill? 😀

Much love,

Nicole xx